We are BMCC
Building Management and Consultancy Company

To sum up everything in two emotional sentences:

Design and Built the Most Challenging Constructions?

Challenge accepted!

Our main idea:

  • Design – beginning from the scratch is always a challenge. The first steps we take in the structural design process is encompassing the client idea and architectural design into the development of a clear structural concept. Afterward, the analysis of structural performance and verification of the structural members is performed. Followed by connections design, structural drawings preparation, and quantity generation the whole cycle of design is closed. Steel structures design is the field we are most qualified in and that is because of the unlimited possibilities we find in them. Lighter than their concrete equivalents, offering the opportunity for more column-free flexible floor space, fewer foundations, fast construction times and precision like no other because of off-site manufacturing. They are the synonym of long-life durability and quality.

Our name:

  • Building – as the urge of humankind to develop a better world. A place which provides all the necessities required by the natural process of human evolving.
  • Management – as the ability to successfully implement our plans. The correct usage of management skills is the key factor for achieving strict organization and discipline. Sticking up to that way the inspiring idea transforms itself into an astonishing result.
  • Consultancy – in the meaning of sharing, discussion and advising for achieving reasonable and reliable decision making. The pulling forces in the process of accomplishing a sustainable and effective design. A complete solution for a better tomorrow.
  • Company – as the unity of the people with the power to develop the world we interact with on a daily basis and the responsibility never to make compromises with social values for an honest and fair society. Together we stay strong!

Our work ethics is based on the following five principles.

  • Independence and self-respect – we believe that each member in the construction process – our team, partners, and clients, is an individual with a valuable opinion which should be respected. Freedom is the necessary condition for everyone in choosing own goals and finding meaning in life.
  • Honesty and responsibility – the foundation of trust. Collaboration is needed constantly during the development of a project and the ultimate success of every beginning depends on sincerity and high level of reliance on each other.
  • Experience and personal commitment – the quality assurance for our services. We opt for achieving the highest possible quality on the everyday basis. The knowledge of our experienced employees in symbiosis with the willingness to surpass expectations, provided by the younger team members guarantee a superb result of turning know-how into show-how. In that way, complicated and demanding problems transform themselves into a great task to deal with.
  • Enthusiasm and self-directing – the drive unit on the path of pursuing personal fulfillment. By well knowing of our capabilities and constantly putting an effort into our upgrowing process we find excitement and pleasure in completing each project. The more challenging it is, the more we dare to succeed.
  • Curiosity and creativity- the foundation of the constant progress. Encouragement to succeed in each task and desire to widen the horizons of knowledge are the passions on which our work relies on. The opportunities to create a better world for us.

We either success or we don’t start.