
We Offer Our Clients


When the Structural design is the topic we either talk about the design of a new building or provide a prescription for reparation of the existing structure. The know-how we gained through the years combined with the understanding of the latest trends and design technologies elevates our design capabilities to a height great enough to meet the requirements of both tasks. We can prepare the full range of project phases (initial, basic, detail design) and with each design decision, we make our attention is focused both on the cost efficiency of the structure and the suitability for the particular situation. A good designer decision can make a tenfold decrease in the end-cost of the building. For humanity, a steel solution means reliable materials, assured material and section properties, precise off-site manufacture and long-life durability.

  • Planning
  • Analysis
  • Construction
  • Launch


At these days a busy everyday life often confuses clients and investors on making appropriate decisions in choosing the right building solution for their needs. The experience we possess can guide any client or investor in putting a framework around their requirements, necessities, and ideas. Based on that a preliminary design will be performed and a cost-efficient solution will be proposed. Whether we talk about a construction materials estimation or finishing works we can help in choosing the right answer for the particular situation. Don’t hesitate to ask us.


BIM modeling

Simplified collaboration, accuracy, increased documentation delivery speed and unsurpassed quality are the biggest benefits we obtain of using BIM technology. In comparison to the traditional 2D drafting, the visualization we get through BIM models eases our clients in understanding the design process. Due to the fact that all the building documentation is created and developed in the model an unintentional mistake which costs vast amounts of time, resources and money are nearly impossible to happen.

Moreover, precise 2D drawings are the least we can do. By using advanced methods for digital project design and delivery exact quantities of building material can be obtained in less than 5% mistake and with the provision of CNC data files, we provided every fabricator can directly fabricate the building elements exactly as they are designed. If speed, accuracy, and fast coordination are needed we can provide them.


With the experience we gained, the design knowledge we have, the right tools we use and the variety of partners we keep close relation with, we can offer a complex service for developing client’s idea into the functionally reasonable project and manage the processes of design and construction.

Our managers have the resource to charter the team to a common project vision and mission so that the best use of the engineering knowledge is embedded and the client's expectations are captured. The risk is controlled by meeting the scope, schedule, and budget. Discerning these needs takes some time, but it is worth the effort. Let’s walk the way together.

BIM model

Our Skills

For humanity, a steel solution means reliable materials, assured material and section properties, precise off-site manufacture and long-life durability. The steel is our fate.

Why should you Choose Us

Excellence is our attitude

Our Services

Know-how collected in over ten years of practice stands beside our professional structural engineering team. Each of us can be defined as an extremely motivated person who can see patterns in complex problems from the beginning to the very end of a project. Understanding the role of an engineer and his responsibilities we could be of help in the fields of Civil and Structural Engineering.

By keeping up with the latest trends in the BIM technology, generating, editing and finishing drawings in the BIM models leaves nearly no room for mistakes. But we don’t end up there. The symbiosis between that innovative and traditional ways makes us trustful partners. Using our double-stage building documentation's check system we complete the final step of the document control.

Our Services
Our Services

Whether we talk about creating a design of a new construction, preparing projects for expansion or renewing of an existing one, we have the knowledge and skills to guide our clients in the process of appropriate decision making. Also, we provide help by giving advice for meeting ongoing needs throughout the building’s lifecycle and choosing appropriate structure maintenance.